
Advancements in Molecular and Serological Diagnostics for Zoonotic Schistosomiasis: Insights from Dr. Jose Ma. M. Angeles

Advancements in Molecular and Serological Diagnostics for Zoonotic Schistosomiasis: Insights from Dr. Jose Ma. M. Angeles

April 27, 2024
Online via ZOOM and Youtube Livestream

We are excited to launch the inaugural episode of the PAMET Cagayan Chapter Webinar Series. This series is exclusively designed to provide medical technology professionals with engaging and pertinent topics essential for their professional growth. Our primary goal is to cater to the members of the Philippine Association of Medical Technologists (PAMET) by offering seminars through the PAMET Virtual Platform, providing them with convenient access at reasonable costs or even for free.

This Webinar’s episode is tailored for students, researchers, and healthcare professionals, especially those engaged in the fields of tropical medicine, parasitology, and neglected tropical diseases. It particularly emphasizes the role of Medical Technology professionals, who serve as the frontline personnel in diagnostic departments. The Webinar is of particular relevance to individuals interested in schistosomiasis and its zoonotic transmission dynamics, as well as those seeking to remain abreast of the latest advancements in diagnostic techniques for this intricate disease.

For complete information about this event, please visit

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